Renewable Energy News

Keeping up with solar energy updates in the media

2022 Increase in Renewable Energy

UK sees record-breaking year for renewable energy

Wind, solar, biomass and hydro power generated 40 per cent of country’s electricity in 2022
Independent - January 2023 - Anthony Cuthbertson

Money Saving Expert on Solar Panels

Solar Panels - Are they worth it?

As well as saving you money on your energy bills, solar panels can also earn you cash. And don't worry, panels can still generate some electricity on gloomy days, vital when the weather's as dull as watching paint dry. - September 2022 - Andrew Capstick

Green Heating Cutting Bills

Green heating can cut bills by over £3000 a year

Solar energy must be central to the decarbonisation of heat – and its installation is an increasingly economic proposition, Solar Energy UK has found. - December 2022

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NAPIT - Promoting Excellence in the Building Services 
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MCS - Giving You Confidence in Home Grown Energy

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Fort Energy Ltd

40 Middlegate, Morpeth

Northumberland NE61 2DD
